Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What's Keeping Our Lives Busy

It's been quite some time hasn't it? Our lives are getting busier and I'm really enjoying it. There are a few big things happening currently that I'd like to share. The biggest of them is Matt beginning nursing school sooner than we thought he would and finishing sooner than we thought as well. We are both so happy that this ball is rolling and that Matt is a big step closer to becoming a Nurse.

I on the other hand have yet to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have been in a pretty difficult and demanding history class for almost two months and I have really proven to be a good student. (except right now I should be reading. oops) I have received several compliments from my professor and received an A+ on my first exam. (90% of the class got D's. eek.) I think I am a lot smarter than I ever gave myself credit for. I was an average student in high school, mostly because I didn't apply myself and completed the bare minimum just to be done and get out, I suppose I associated that with not being capable of being an A student! I have obviously matured since then and realize how important an education is, because of that I believe it is what makes me such a good student. Matt's words have really convinced me that I can do or be anything I want. Everyone tells you that when you're young, rarely as a 25 year old who has already attended 2 years of college for something you don't see yourself doing anymore and spent the time after that working entry level jobs. I wouldn't take back the route I chose to take after high school, I gained a lot of experience and learned many different skills, that I hope will help me find a job soon. When I think of long term for me there are a few things I can really see myself doing. Up until now I didn't think I had the brains, but now I know that I need to apply myself and be dedicated to learning if I am going to succeed.

We're getting close to moving out of Matt's parents house! We are officially debt free as of last month and it has been great watching us save money. I've never been able to save money, I am so glad that Matt is so good with finances. Once we meet our goal we're outa here!

Matt and I have been a one car family for a few months now and it has been challenging at times but never a real problem. Now that he'll be starting school (and hopefully I find a job) we're definitely going to need another car. This is probably the biggest dilemma because Matt wants a Prius and I want a Subaru. Another option that is still on the table is getting a scooter, for shorter distance driving. We both like the idea of having a scooter but I really want a new car! I hope we can make up our minds soon.

That's what's keeping The Morins busy these days. Hope you're having fun with your busy days!



  1. So many changes! But, they are all so good. I am happy for you and Matt and the direction you're headed in. I'm proud of you for going to school. I know that can be extremely difficult, but you are completely capable of doing that!

    I can relate to feeling discouraged for not knowing what I am supposed to do for the rest of my life, as a career. But recently, I have found peace in realizing that it's okay to not know. It's okay to try different things and see where those things lead you. You never know what's next! God does, and that is what keeps me going.

    Love you :)

    1. I am happy that you have found yourself in a place where you can say that! It's a big stress for so many people & for some its okay to not have a plan right now :) I'm definitely in that place & don't feel pressured, more like I'm just eager to try all the things I can. I will totally talk to you more about that tomorrow when I get to see you. :)) Love you. Thank you for your always kind & supportive words. You're my favorite oldest friend ;)

  2. I have been wanting a new car to!! Sounds like exciting things are ahead! You need to do a post about hawaii!!


    1. I thought I really should do a Hawaii post! been so busy with school as of lately but I know I should get to it fast huh?!
