Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Passion

The other day I read a really cool article about doing what we are passionate about. It wasn't your typical inspirational do what you're passionate about article, it was a lot more honest and realistic. Yes everyone deserves to do what they love and are passionate about but not all are able to. There are plenty of life occurrences that hinder us from being our dream person with our dream career. Since I have been evaluating my career options, I know what I am passionate about and what I dream of doing. But even if I don't become a Veterinarian, Zoologist, or an Animal Behaviorist, I can still do what I am passionate about. I am so passionate about working with animals. I am passionate about educating pet owners and modeling a responsible way of taking care of their animals. I am passionate about bringing an end to disgusting people who are involved in dog fighting. I am passionate about being an advocate for animals who have been mistreated, neglected, and abandoned. I feel okay about not doing what I am passionate about as my career. I know that a lot can happen from here until then that may keep me from fully pursuing it. But if that is not the case, I am ready to work towards that now. I am young and I have time on my side. If I still end up being a Phlebotomy Technician I would be happy to have succeeded at anything. Being a Phlebotomy Tech might mean that I would not become an Animal Behaviorist or an Animal Advocate with a title, but I will still hold on to my passions and make them apart of my life on nights and weekends.
